A. The Council will continue using callingpost.org to notify members of upcoming meetings & events. Let us know if you aren't receiving these phone calls.
B. Council Red Shirts with the Knights of Columbus logo and Council number may be ordered by contacting Ken Friedrich at 631-8768. Cost depends on the size of the order and the shirt size, but usually approximates $25-30.
Shred 1 large head of cabbage. Shred 2 medium onions.
Put in Large bowl and alternate layers. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.
Bring following to a boil:
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups of vinegar
I teaspoon of celery seed
1 teaspoon of prepared mustard
1 teaspoon of salt
After boiling above ingredients, add about 1 cup of Wesson oil; stir and pour over cabbage.
Cover tightly immediately. Store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Mix occasionally.
Keeps up to 3 months in the refrigerator.
A record or near-record participation was noteworthy: The following Knights were in attendance. Father Wyman Vintson was the Celebrant and Ken Friedrich and Dominick Viruleg were Altar Servers. Mike Jolly served as Lector and David Shaner was the Cantor. Oher choir members included Francisco Carbonell (Director) and Harold Gray (a member of St. Paul’s Cathedral Council), Paul Townes III, Cliff Davis, Rob Stump, and Dan Foster. Josh Stump was an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Ushers were Duane Holy, Mike O’Laire, and Tony Smith. Recognized in the Congregation…some wearing red Council shirts…were Malcolm Fifer, Tony DeCicco, Greg Jones, Danny Mayfield, Don Rydberg, Jeremy Adams, Paul Foti, George Mendiola, Godfrey Chryssoverges, Jack Cousins, Todd Keeney, Kurt Keeney, Doug Schultz, Mason Baldwin, Jake Schillaci, Doug Homman, Dee Haynes, and Bill Ellis.
Father Wyman thanked the Knights for their participation at the conclusion of the Mass and commented, while motioning towards Ken and Dominick, that you never forget how to be an Altar Server!
Typically, the Christmas Season does not end until after the Baptism of the Lord, which occurred on January 9, 2023. Therefore, the Christmas decorations were removed from the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton campus on the 10th. Grounds manager Rex Gill and Grand Knight Ken Friedrich disassembled the outside Nativity scene and disposed of the age and weather-worn figurines. The Boggan family donated their father’s outdoor figurines after his death. The original wooden stable pieces were salvaged until a determination is made if they are needed for the new setup.
Knight Larry Keeney and wife, Linda, took down all the decorations in the church sanctuary. The majority of these trees, lights, etc. were returned to the choir loft storage area. Needless to say, removing decorations is never as much fun as putting them up at the beginning of the festive season!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton employee, Rex Gill, wears many hats in his job. When he is sick or becomes injured, others must step in and “take up the slack.” Among those always available to help out in whatever capacity they can are the Knights of Council 10354. With his background in heating and air, Knight Mike Wallace was the obvious chose to oversee the installation of the new furnace in the Parish Hall and other miscellaneous duties. For example, on January 23, 24, and 25, 2023, he oversaw the installation of the duct furnace in the basement of the Parish Hall. On Thursday, the 26th, he and Brother Knight Jim Jernigan met with the insurance adjuster from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Meanwhile, after a call from the Church Office that the heat wasn’t working, Mike walked over to troubleshoot the problem. He was able to contact the installer who then had the issue resolved in about 30 seconds! Finally, on January 29, 2023, Mike inspected the AC unit at the Church. While there, he even helped replace the paper products in the Church bathrooms! Finally, on January 31st, he escorted the Fire Extinguisher guy through the Parish Hall, the rectory, the rectory storage building, and the mechanical room, where he did an inspection and replaced two extinguishers. Needless to say, Mike has been indispensable in his cheerful assistance while Rex has been on medical leave!